Sunday, July 29, 2018

A Great Scientific

There are many people in the history that deserve admiration, whether for your works to humanity, or for your convictions to continue with his professions in spite of the censures of society. All know that in the past was very difficult have a professions when you are different  for society, for example Oscar Wilde judged and imprisoned for be homosexual but  he did not give up and today his novels are a classic of literature or also Rosalind Franklin that still not appears in the texts how an important contributor in the structure of DNA.

But in this post I will mention to scientist Barbara McClintock(1902-1992) a great collaborator in the cytogenetics. Doctor in botany and leader of the cytogenetic group, she found of genetic recombination by crossing-over during meiosis (aspect very important in the genetic). Although your first papers was discredit, but only when two scientific  published the same discovery a few years later they gave it the importance it deserved

I choose this scientific for your perseverance and works, also because I like his field of research (plants)

Sunday, July 22, 2018

The music and me

All my life I have been listen music, since I was born,  always my father has listened to music on weekends, is how to specie of routine in my family, a day without music is a day wasteful, so I know the different voices about rock, pop, and other types, for example the existence of the 80's are sacred, group like The Clash, Soda Stereo, Nadie, U2, Haddaway, New Order, Depeche Mode, tears for fears and many other are an important part in my family because who can resist dance this songs? I do not and my sister neither.

Obviously I also listen other groups of my time but always I back at the classics. Recently I have been listen music more relaxed and melancholy like Cigarettes after Sex, The 1975, The Verve, Zoé and if I start a mention all the groups that I like it, I would have to use more than 160 words. In my adolescence the group that I was listening always and now don´t is Reik, Camila and other that I don’t remember. 

The instrument that I like is the piano because I think that is very elegant and delicate. 

How the movies also are my obsession, I know the dialogue and songs of my favorite movies when I was a child, for example Tarzan, how also of the movie Spirit, Shrek and Sweeney Todd, the last one is very good, I love it although I don’t know all the songs.

The song that I recommendation for everybody that read my post is Wild Horses- Rolling Stones. This song is the best musical piece in the history (according to me).

Friday, July 20, 2018

In the Past...

I like many photograph, especially of nature but I have an especial obsession with the old photograph. This photos I like so much because you can see the history behind of each one and the events interesting that was happing.

The next photo, I choose because I like the past of the city, no matter which and I like the life and clothes of the people that appear in the photo, is very interesting the thing that the persons make it in the each photo in comparison with today. If I can choose a time, definitely I choose the 60´s but with respect the music and style I choose the 90´s.

The photo was taken it by Sebastian Lopez and the image show the city Santiago, specifically the avenue Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins (Alameda) in the year 1991. How we see in the photo the avenue had many buses, this happen because  there was not regulation in the transport.    

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the next image is also about  Chile but in the year 1939, the photo show the demolition of a bank in Concepcion.  Photography of Harry Benöhr. 

about blogs....

Make the different blogs during this semester was very fun and educational, I learned new words and I think I can now write more easily. A...