Friday, April 27, 2018

My smartphone😃

 I choose my smartphone because is used everyday for any things. Generally I not used it when I visit my grandmother, is the only place that I can be disconnect of the technology (she live in the country where the internet connection is ineffective).

My father give my first smartphone when I was 11, but I was prefer over get out with my friends. When I was 14 again my father give me a super smartphone and I start used it, for example taking a pictures, reading novella and many other things. The mean reason that to have a mobile phone it was that my fathers can communicate with me because they working all the day and generally I stay alone in my house.

Today the smartphone that I have is a LG very cute and bit small and I like reading, chating with my friends (WhatsApp), talking and since the last year I have an application for the career ( I can see my notes and the messages of my professors).
If the smartphone not exist, the persons could make the same activities that with the smartphone but there will not be much accessibility and the communication would not be faster.

Friday, April 20, 2018

My career ಠ◡ಠ

Hi again, today we will talk about my career, the first thing we should know is that biochemistry is a career very interesting and funny (obviously depend of the person).

When I was a child…. I don’t wanted study, I just kidding it´s a lie jo jo jo 😆😆😜, honestly I don’t remember, my memories is very very bad but
 I could imagine that I wanted when I was 10, ooh
 I remember that I very liked cartoons and anime
 (I didn’t know that it was like) for example inyasha, dragon ball, tom and jerry, the powerpuff girls and many others and I wanted to be a character of this cartoons ( a teletubbies) but by now my passion is chemistry, biology and all  related about the laboratory. 

I meet this career when I was 17, before I didn’t know that it was exist but one day I bored and decided discover in internet about the different career in the university of chile, in then moment I found the happiness and from the sky a voice told me….” now, you have the key, your adventure is just beginning”.

At present, my experience in the university is amazing, the persons, the classes, the laboratory and my friends (the best in the world).  I hope that this years is not stressful (I will pray for this to all gods).

In the future I dream of to be a crazy scientist whit my hair white and my pipette.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

About me and other things (°∀°)

hello, my name is karolay montecinos, I was born on October 2, 1998 glorious time to be born 😃😆, I currently live with my parents, my little sister and my three babies  maxi, nube, and Phillips, the first two are dogs  and my pretty baby phillips is a spider. I would have more pets but my parents don't want more puppies or other animal. When I got home with my Phillips, my mom could not see it because she was very scared, that day it was so funny but now she love it. And we are a big happy family.

My principal hobbies are reading and see movies but on the last days I can´t do it because I have to study a lot and I live stressed.  I very much like my career but some days I wish to be lazy and parasite of my parents and the society, I think about this and it´s not a bad idea but I see the prices of my adored books, the account of netflix, airline tickets of everything’s and I find my motivation, in conlusion the life is horrible. 😣

My short-term goals are:
  • Finish my semester and pass all my classes. I really don't care do the pre or exams, always I say this to my friends, family, my babies because the idea is pass no matter how.
  • Go to the used books fairs and spend all the money of  my scholarship.
  •  Finish my book that I started this month (studies😢)

My long-term goals: 
  • Try to rent an apartment in the last floor. 
  • Travel through around the world, especially England for see big ben and be a Sherlock Holmes, and finally to adopt a many puppies that living on the street

about blogs....

Make the different blogs during this semester was very fun and educational, I learned new words and I think I can now write more easily. A...